Our Publications

SEURO will provide open, free-of-charge access to any peer-reviewed publications generated by the SEURO project. This will be achieved through a mixture of self-archiving and open-access publication.

Advancing home-based integrated care for older adults with multiple chronic conditions - preliminary results from the Italian ProACT trial


Proceedings of the AAATE

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ProACT - Person-centred digital integrated care for adults aged 65 years and over, living with multimorbidity


Proceedings of the AAATE

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Designing, implementing and testing an IoT based home system for integrated care service


Proceedings of FORITAAL

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The design of an innovative cohousing complex for independent living experiences with innovative AAL solutions.


Proceedings of FORITAAL

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Accuracy of Consumer-level and Research-Grade Activity Trackers in Ambulatory Settings in Older Adults



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