Third SEURO Consortium meeting takes place in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Tue May 03 2022
We held our third SEURO Consortium meeting from the 27th-28th April 2022. This hybrid meeting was hosted in Trinity College Dublin and marked the first in-person meeting since the SEURO project commenced! Our 12 SEURO partners attended this meeting including representatives from TCD, DkIT, IBM, AIAS, imec, Umeå, RV, Z-plus, Home Instead, CareDoc, AAATE and EASPD.
During this meeting we discussed progress in relation to the Effectiveness Implementation Hybrid Trials (EIH) trials starting in October, Inductive Simultaneous Exploratory trials. Trial site organisations also engaged in a ProTransfer and ProBCF-C workshop following the first deployment of these SEURO tools.
We also discussed progress on the ProInsight tools, plans for ethics, commercialisation and dissemination opportunities over the next six months! Overall, the project is progressing well with all current deliverables submitted on time.